2024-25 17 Blue

Link to practice schedule – Remember to look at the 17 Blue column!

Name # High SchoolPositionGrad Year
Karissa Abers1WarwickMH/OPP2026
Kira Abers19WarwickOH/MH/DS2026
Isabella Fuller5Lancaster MennoniteOH/MH2026
Addison Martin17EphrataS2026
Kylie Masters12Mt CalveryOH/DS2026
Natalie McHugh9Governor MifflinOPP/OH2026
Mikayla Ressler14Penn ManorM/Opp/DS2026
Chloe Saylor23EphrataDS/L2026
Addison Souders44Manheim TwpOH2026

Tournament Information / Results

* Click the division to find the initial schedule for the team.

** Click the Tournament name to purchase spectator passes.

**Tournament*DivisionFinishTotal TeamsMatches WonMatches LostSets WonSets Lost
Charm City ChallengeNational7th203377
Prez DayNational
Irish RumbleNational
York StrongGirls 17
Ribbon Brawl
Girls 17
Northeast Qualifier 3American
May MadnessNational
East Coast ChampionshipsSelect