14 Blue Head Coach
Coach Bob returns to coaching at CPVBC after a few years off. Prior to the break, he coached Club teams for 7 years, and you could find him coaching with the Rheems Summer Program and occasionally helping with the Elizabethtown Middle School teams. His coaching experience in baseball, soccer, and volleyball began in the late 1990’s. In his playing days, he played in power leagues, recreation leagues, 3 person sand leagues, and in tournaments on all 3 primary volleyball surfaces.
Professionally, he works at Elizabethtown College, where he is responsible for various operational areas, including Athletics. He enjoys watching his daughter, a Middle at York College, and his son, a Setter at Elizabethtown High School and on a local boys’ club team. He lives with his wife and children (when they are home) in Elizabethtown.
He loves helping young people become their best selves, unlocking their potential and surprising themselves with the extent of their individual talents.